You’re a fantastic lash extension artist and successful at what you do, and you’re thinking about taking that next step in your career to become a lash extension trainer in Australia. But did you know that not all lash artists make great trainers? Unfortunately, your years of experience doesn’t mean you can easily transition from artist to trainer.
We’ve seen it many times, but we’re here to help. This blog has been designed to help you successfully transition from lash extension artist to lash trainer.
The first thing to keep in the forefront of your mind is that you are starting at ground zero with every student. They may be a long-term lash client, but you can’t assume they understand what a lash tech actually does. Although they might walk out with newfound admiration for what you do!
The best lash trainers share common qualities that set them apart from the rest:
1 Passion for Teaching: Beyond a love for lash extensions, a successful lash trainer is driven by a passion for teaching and sharing their knowledge with others. This passion should inspire creativity and an appreciation for the artistry behind lash extensions. Enthusiasm is contagious and will go a long way to motivating your students along their lash journey. Remember, not everyone will love it as much as you, and that’s ok!
2 Passion to Learn: The best lash trainers are always learning. The lash industry is always evolving; staying on top of trends, the latest products, technology and techniques is important. Your commitment to ongoing learning will provide a richer experience for your students and allow you to answer questions confidently.
3 Fun yet Professional: A successful lash trainer is professional in all aspects of their role; you should be polished but personable and always adhere to ethical standards. A lash extension trainer in Australia does not need to be formally accredited to train others, but you must be credible with a good reputation. This being said, don’t forget to have some fun. Laughter leads to learning and makes it more memorable. Learning doesn’t have to be boring.
4 Good Energy: First impressions count! Your energy will introduce you before your words do. When your students walk through your doors, they should be greeted with a warm smile and great energy. You should be inviting without being overbearing, putting them at ease. Ask them about their morning, offer them refreshments, and add your personal touch by taking an interest in them as a person.
Your energy needs to continue throughout your course. If you’re having a bad morning, you need to park it, reset and be prepared for your students. If you are low on energy, your students will feel it, so pace yourself and them to sustain your energy throughout the day. Remember they are paying you for your time and expertise.
5 Positive Environment: your student may or may not know you. One thing can be guaranteed: they will likely be nervous as they embark on this journey with you. It is imperative for you to create a safe learning environment for your students where they feel comfortable asking questions, seeking guidance, and overcoming obstacles. Having empathy fosters a positive learning experience, contributing to the overall success of your students. You should aim to keep your courses to a small group so that you can give them the attention they need and be able to adapt to their different learning styles.
6 Patience: Students come with varying experience levels, learning styles, and paces. A successful lash trainer understands the importance of patience in guiding students through learning. Some students may be quick learners and will dive right in while others may have a harder time grasping certain techniques. Lash trainers should be prepared to accommodate those who learn at different speeds rather than become frustrated.
This is where repetition and demonstration can be valuable. A good technique is asking your students how they learn best, for example:” Do they learn best by listening, watching, reading or doing?” and adapting your training style to accommodate them.
7 Effective Communication: Your communication style must be clear and concise. Provide enough detail for your students to grasp what you’re teaching them without overwhelming them with too much detail. This is where pace and pausing are effective. Your body language should match your words, such as nodding and smiling when a student answers correctly.
This positive reinforcement helps them with their learning. A good technique here is to check for understanding by asking your students questions about the content you’ve just covered. This will demonstrate your student has understood the topics covered and allow you, as the lash trainer, to address any learning gaps.
This technique will also allow you to manage the pace; if your student can answer questions confidently, you’re working at the right pace. If they struggle or seem hesitant, you may need to slow it down or repeat key content. Consider breaking up your course with a balance of talking, listening, reading and practical exercises. This will ensure you address different learning styles and keep the students engaged and, more importantly, awake!